(x) stayed single for the whole year
( ) got your first kiss
( ) kissed someone new
( ) made-out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
( ) kissed in the rain
( ) fell in love
( ) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else's heart
( ) had a stalker
( ) mooned someone
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
( ) had a good relationship with someone
(x) suffered
(x) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) gotten someone else pregnant
( ) had an abortion
( ) gotten married
( ) had a divorce
( ) dated someone you'll never forget
(x) done something you've regretted
( ) lost your true love
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under mistletoe
( ) lost a promotion
( ) gotten a pay raise
( ) changed jobs
(x) waited until one day before to begin a project
( ) lost your job
( ) quit your job
( ) dated a co-worker
( ) dated your boss
( ) dated your boss' daughter/son
( ) got fired from your job
( ) took an honors/advanced class
(x) broke the dress code
(x) did something you were proud of
( ) discovered a new talent
(x) proved yourself an idiot
(x) were involved in something you'll never forget
( ) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
(x) seen a live concert
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
( ) posted a blog on MySpace
(x) listened to music you couldn't stand
( ) went swimming
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) went to a sleepover
( ) went camping
( ) threw a surprise party
( ) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
( ) flirted shamelessly
(x) broke in a line of waiting people
( ) volunteered to help out others
( ) visited a new state
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
( ) partied to celebrate the new year
(x) cooked a disastrous meal
( ) drove the car drunk
(x) lost something/someone important to you
(x) lied about how old you were
(x) got a gift you adore
( ) got 'shit faced' on alcohol
( ) took a nude picture of yourself
( ) almost got arrested
( ) prank called someone
( ) saw a college football game in person
.:: In 24 hours have you ::.
Showered?: No.
Had a serious talk?: Yes.
Hugged someone?: Yes.
1. Who did you kiss on new years? No one
2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? Probably but I can't remember it.
3. Does it snow where you live? No.
4. Do you like hot chocolate? Yes. But not banana hot chocolate, that isn't nice.
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? No.
6. Do you ski or snowboard? LOL no. I'd fail badly.
1. Who was your Valentine? No one..
2. When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class? No.
3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? No...
4. What did you get for valentines? Nothing.
MARCH 2008
1. Are you Irish? No.
2. Do you wear green every year on St. Patrick's Day? No.
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2008? Nothing. My GOD my life is dull xD
4. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? Yes.
APRIL 2008
1. Do you like the rain? Sometimes. I like the concept of rain..
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? No.
3. Did you get lots of candy for Easter? No.
4. Do you celebrate 4/20? ..? What?
5. Do you "love" the month of April? I don't mind it.
MAY 2008
1. What is your favorite flower? I like daisy's. Haha. And orchids.
2. Finish the phrase "April showers": I ATTACK YOU.
3. Do you celebrate May 24th? What is on May 24th?
4. Is May anything special to you? I think someones birthday is in May.
JUNE 2008
1. What did you do for Fathers Day? Gave my dad a gift.
2. Did you do anything fun during this month? I think so. I think June was quite a good month.
3. Have a favorite baseball team? No I'm ENGLISH.
JULY 2008
1. What did you do on the 1st of July? Stood in a cold drama studio all day.
2. Did you go to the fireworks? No. But my sister-in-laws birthday is on the same day as Independence Day.
3. Do you tan in the day? I think the question is do YOU tan in the day? (P.S: what sort of weirdo tans at night. They're called SUN tans for a reason)
1. Did you do anything fun to end the summer? No.
2. What was your favorite memory of summer? Errr...dunno. My summer was quite crap. I went to Yorkshire and was ill. Yay.
3. Did you have a sunburn? No I don't burn.
4. Did you go to the pool a lot? Not once.
1. Were you attending school? I was.
2. Do you like fall better than summer? I like September.
3. Anything special about September to you? Yes my birthday. Yay.
1. What was your last Halloween costume? Witch. When I was like 9. I was going to dress up as an evil fairy this year but I had to go to a funeral.
2. What is your favorite candy? Depends on my mood.
3. What is your favorite thing about this month? I'm not sure.
1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? No ones.
2. What is your favorite thing about November? This year? THEMIGHTYBOOSHLIVE.
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeh.
2. What are you thankful for? Having 10 toes.
3. Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? No. Shut up.
4. Get anything special last year? Laptop to replace the one that blew up O_O
5. What do you want this year? I know what I'm getting this year. Clothes, a masquerade mask, purple hair spray, a weird hat and some other little things.
6. Do you go to a formal this year, with who? A what?
Where did you begin 2008? On the sofa. Watching the telly.
What was your status on Valentine's Day? Single. Like always.
Were you in school (anytime this year)? Yes..
Did you have to go to the hospital? Possibly. I get my years muddled up.
Did you know anybody who passed away? I did.
Did you move anywhere? I like..walked around and stuff.
What concerts/shows did you go to? Tonight Is Goodbye, Scouting For Girls, The Mighty Boosh :D
Dull. I were at school I were.
What has been your favorite moment(s)?
I dunno. I like being upside down.
What was your best month?
Overall, how would you rate this year?
Fluctuating. Had some really low moments and some pretty high moments. So 3, 6 and 9 I shall say.
Do you have a New Year's resolution?
I will.