Sunday 7 December 2008

10 Things

So I first saw this on Nubby Twiglet's site and then later here on Vixel's blog. Therefore I thought I'd join in because I do quite like bandwagons. Plus I'm trying to put off getting dressed - most of my clothes are in the wash so it's a miserable experience.

1. Starting off with a bit of a seasonal one...I really like Christmas. I love the smells of cinnamon and pine, I love those awful Christmas songs (yes, that includes Mariah Carey!), I love the possibility of snow, visiting relatives, decorating the house and all the pretty lights everywhere. Then there is the end of term, the last day is always good. We have the Christmas concert, a day that is half the length of normal and everyone is happy and excited. I love Cascada's version of Last Christmas.

2. I am left handed and find it difficult to do stuff with my right hand.

3. I can't kick a football. At all. Or play tennis.

4. I already have a plan what my apartment will look like when I move out.

5. I plan on changing my name when I'm 18 but I'm still not totally sure what to.

6. I really love stand up comedy and after watching it I always feel completely myself. My favourite comedians are Noel Fielding, Tim Minchin, Russell Brand, Russell Howard, Bill Bailey and Michael McIntyre.

7. I have no idea how tall I am or what I weigh.

8. Some of my best conversations have been whilst waiting for buses.

9. I am fascinated by crows and magpies but I'm slightly scared of birds. I am terrified of spiders for no apparent reason.

10. I share my birthday - September 4th - with one of my best friends.


Anonymous said...

I love stand-up comedy too, and I've also had some really interesting conversations whilst waiting for buses!

I posted one of these the other day:

CatataC said...

If Russell and Noel aren't on BFQotY i will actually cry...
We should have a standup night (watching it i mean, even tho we did once do that random stand up on the bed which was weird and spontaneous..remember that or does that make no sense at all or does that just generally make no sense...oh anyway, back to the point and the bit outside the brackets) with Russell and Noel and other Russell and you can introduce me to Tim. Oo we should totally do that on BFQ night?? Oh i am so coming online.

kati said...

I dunno but we should try and get together on BFQ night and watch it in the same house.