Saturday 11 October 2008

Oh my gosh! - 22/365

I'm strangely happy today in a way. Plus, I just saw a girl with a blue Mahican on telly, playing with a football!. I'm trying to figure out whether I can dye part of my hair pink so that it won't notice unless I make it do so. I don't see whats so wrong with having unnatural hair colour? Not like it 'distracts from work'. Good lord. Stupid new principal.
On the upside I only have...18 months until I can leave school (well I'll go to college, but not at my school) and then my hair can be as bloody pink as I want it to. Or maybe blue..

Taken: Saturday 11th October 2008. Day 22.

1 comment:

CatataC said...

Pink and blue? o=
Glad you're happified =]